26 AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2018 www.vanguardcanada.com
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Hyperconnectivity on missions prom-
ises to drive a technological revolution for
armed forces that are seeing increased de-
mand for new capabilities to gather, share
and process large volumes of data in real
time. Thales is at the heart of the digital
transformation of its customers, adapting
to the specific needs of armies, navies, air
forces and governments operating in con-
strained environments with strict security
A new partnership between Thales and
Microsoft will create a common Defence
Cloud solution that will be jointly devel-
oped based on the Microsoft Azure Stack
rmed forces worldwide are
investing heavily in digital
transformation, especially
in the digitalization of their
command, control, and bat-
tlefield communications systems. Equip-
ment being developed today results from
the adoption of digital technology in the
defence domain, but it also benefits from
the emergence of dual civil military plat-
forms that can connect battlefield systems
with digital networks residing outside the
tactical environment. Capabilities like cy-
bersecurity are now a pre-requisite for
these new capabilities.
The NexT GeNeraTioN of MariTiMe CapabiliTies
more than just buzz
words; big data,
artificial intelligence,
cybersecurity, and
connectiVity/ iot are
core capabilities that
are at the forefront of
new solutions in both
the defence and ciVil