Preserving capacity, General Tom Lawson, Chief of the Defence Staff, Keys to Canadian SAR
Issue link: AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2019 31 Sponsored Content Technologically, one the key platforms necessary for the maintenance of AOPS and the JSS vessels will be an Integrated Data Environment (IDE) that provides supporting digital systems with the ability to meet project management, lifecycle ma- terial management, as well as maintenance and supply requirements. Thales is developing a configurable and sustainable service delivery platform that will adopt and leverage cloud computing, data analytics, AI and machine learning to automate and streamline in-service pro- cesses, thereby facilitating the collection and exploitation of data and information. The platform will harness leading-edge technology to collect, assess and decipher data by support personnel while providing trusted access identification and authentica- tion management for security purposes. It will also allow for the future evolution and integration of key capabilities like predictive maintenance and allow for the integration of apps developed by third party SMBs. Thales, in conjunction with operations research experts from Université Laval, Polytechnique Montréal and Dalhousie University, has also developed a proof- of-concept for a new project-planning tool called Refit Optimizer that will apply model-based AI to the complex and dy- namic domain of ship refits. To develop the next generation of digital breakthroughs required to deliver AJISS, investment must begin at the educational level. That is why Thales has made it a man- date to help drive innovation throughout the Canadian value chain in partnership with numerous academic institutions. At DEFSEC 2018, Thales announced an agreement with Nova Scotia Commu- nity College (NSCC), in partnership with Camosun College in British Columbia, to commission an AJISS Workforce Study – a $200K investment towards Maritime sector skills development and training. Its purpose is to explore the current state of skills devel- opment and to develop recommendations that should enable skilled workers, and the shipbuilding sector in Canada, in the long- term. The results of this study will be used to guide the development of future pro- grams at colleges and universities, creating new jobs and enabling the growth of Mari- time shipbuilding. Thales is committed to investing in and enabling ongoing skills development and training as it is paramount to the continued success of the Maritime in-service support sector in Canada. As the prime contractor for AJISS, Thales has taken important steps to expand its oper- ations and partnerships from coast-to-coast. This is enabling the national expansion of a large supplier base and creating a cutting- edge ecosystem of support, spurring signifi- cant job growth that will result in enormous economic impacts across the country. The AJISS program represents a revolu- tionary and transformative blueprint that will alter how in-service support is deliv- ered in Canada and beyond. By leveraging its world-class digital transformation solu- tions, developing partnerships that contin- ue to evolve its capabilities in big data, AI, connectivity and cyber security, and invest- ing in the next generation of skilled work- ers, Thales is using its extensive experience to ensure that the Royal Canadian Navy ships will be mission-ready from coast-to- coast-to-coast. ABOUt tHALES The people we all rely on to make the world go round – they rely on Thales. Our customers come to us with big ambi- tions: to make life better, to keep us safer. Combining a unique diversity of expertise, talents and cultures, our architects design and deliver extraordinary high technology solutions. Solutions that make tomorrow possible, today. From the bottom of the oceans to the depth of space and cyber- space, we help our customers think smart- er and act faster – mastering ever-greater complexity and every decisive moment along the way. With 80,000 employees in 68 countries, Thales reported sales of $22.4 billion in 2018. perspeCtive To deVelop The nexT generaTion of digiTal BreaKThroughs required To deliVer ajiss, inVesTMenT MusT Begin aT The educaTional leVel. ThaT is why Thales has Made iT a MandaTe To help driVe innoVaTion ThroughouT The canadian Value chain in parTnership wiTh nuMerous acadeMic insTiTuTions.