Vanguard Magazine

Vanguard December2019/January2020

Preserving capacity, General Tom Lawson, Chief of the Defence Staff, Keys to Canadian SAR

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Page 14 of 43 DECEMBER 2019/JANUARY 2020 15 dAshboArd CombAt SimulAtion & tRAining Using sensor simulation programs to help soldiers prepare for military operations. tHReAt monitoRing & SituAtionAl AWAReneSS Equipping ISR systems with AI to help personnel in threat monitoring to en- hance their situational awareness. Ai & dAtA infoRmAtion PRoCeSSing To quickly and efficiently process large volumes of data in order to obtain valuable information to aid decision-making. HomelAnd SeCuRity Predictive analytics models to help cor- relate signs of preparation for unlawful activities that intelligence agencies can intercept before a plot unfolds. AutonomouS VeHiCleS AI driving algorithm to integrate with unmanned land vehicles, drones and aircra to cover an area and investigate potential issues. ReACH immoRtAlity WitH Cloud Uploading our whole consciousness into the cloud or virtual reality where an individual's neural activity or "data" in a brain is "copied" into a digital realm to prolong life for infinity. PRediCt tHe futuRe AI will help to predict accurately and in advance our finances, social life and behaviours. no moRe WoRk Using machines and automation to replace recurring and routine tasks, skills and professions. HumAnS Will beCome CyboRgS Our minds and bodies will be enhanced by prosthetics and implants giving us infallible functions and mo- torics over injuries, replacing limbs and organs, and give us sensory abilities far beyond existing vision, hearing, and manipulation. SolVe All HumAn PRoblemS Analysing massive amounts of data to solve the world's biggest problems, such as hunger, diseases, climate change, overpopulation, etc. mAnkind: extinCtion oR tRAnSCendenCe What happens next? What will human life become? liVing in SymbioSiS AS SuPeRHumAnS Human and artificial intelligence have potential to cre- ate combined systems that are smarter than either alone. beCome ouR beSt fRiendS, AdViSoRS, And CARetAkeRS Robots and AI could provide excellent care and sup- port for the elderly, the ill, and disabled while interact- ing with people on a friend and advisor level. Ai in the WorLd "Artificial Intelligence in the Military – An Overview of Capabilities"; "Artificial Intelligence: Mind-Boggling Future Predictions in 2019"

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