Vanguard Magazine

Vanguard December2021/January2022

Preserving capacity, General Tom Lawson, Chief of the Defence Staff, Keys to Canadian SAR

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Page 36 of 43 DECEMBER 2021/JANUARY 2022 37 EVENTS off their latest innovations, so too was it for small to mid-sized companies to gain the attention of the US Army. This year getting their attention was much easier and was facilitated through the US Army Futures Command (FC) massive partner- ing booth. Futures Command was re- cently established to take on the Army's top modernization priorities, six to be exact: Long-Range Precision Fires, Next- Generation Combat Vehicle, Future Ver- tical Lift, the Network, Air-and-Missile Defense, and Soldier Lethality. It actively works with industry big or small and in- vites them to collaborate and source new and innovative aligned kit to fill its re- quirements. In speaking to Army representatives who represent their small business pro- grams, it was confirmed to this reporter that FC works with foreign service pro- viders so for Canadian companies this is great news. As we all know the often-ref- erenced 90/10 rule of foreign vs domes- tic sales is what drives revenues for Ca- nadian companies. Given this program is open to Canadian suppliers, it should be considered by small to mid-sized business as a valuable conduit to get their products in front of the U.S. Army for possible lu- crative contracts. Futures Command was recently established to take on the Army's top modernization priorities, six to be exact: Long-Range Precision Fires, Next-Generation Combat Vehicle, Future Vertical Li, the Network, Air-and-Missile Defense, and Soldier Lethality.

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