Vanguard Magazine

Vanguard October/November 2023

Preserving capacity, General Tom Lawson, Chief of the Defence Staff, Keys to Canadian SAR

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T he international community is currently facing mount- ing pressures in the geopo- litical landscape which haven't been experienced since the Cold War era. Canada, along with other allied nations, is continuing to adapt to this increasingly complex environment. The ongoing Russian and Ukraine con- flict, tensions between major powers and increasingly aggressive behaviour from foreign militaries have prompted NATO countries to accelerate conversations about defence spending and policy. As governments look to increase invest- ment in defence areas, priority has been placed on initiatives and programs that strengthen national defence and project influence. When done correctly, defence procurement also becomes a catalyst for job creation, innovation, and economic opportunity. Through the creation of Canadian supply chains, an investment in national security can benefit small and medium-sized enterprises, support their growth and development, and deliver local jobs to regions across Canada. In an effort to meet its commitments to NATO, the Government of Canada has begun strategic investments in the nation's security and defence capabilities. As the country prepares for the delivery of new fighter jets and facilitates the construction of new combat ships, additional focus is needed to adapt to the increasingly com- plex geopolitical environment. Submarines play a critical role in safe- guarding Canada's borders and strength- ening its national security. Operating a safe and capable submarine fleet provides flexibility and force projection to support Canada's strategic interests both in times of geopolitical conflict and peace. Submarines are a crucial asset for Canada's surveillance of both international and domestic waters. Their stealth and lethality can deter outside interference into Canadian waters and as countries like Russia, China, and Japan ex- pand their submarine fleets and Australia, the UK, and the US collaborate on tech- nologies and training under AUKUS, a commitment to prioritizing Canada's sub- marines is needed to maintain Canada's national security, strengthen strategic rela- tionships with other NATO countries, and provide the Government response options in the current security environment. Canada's Victoria-Class submarines fulfill strategic missions that cannot be performed by other vessels. These diesel-electric sub- marines bring advantages in stealth, ma- noeuverability, and versatility to Canada's maritime military missions. The Victoria- Class submarines can operate in adverse weather conditions for up to 45 days, en- abling them to fulfill a diverse array of mis- sions required by the Royal Canadian Navy – from surveillance of Canada's coastlines, to training and engaging with other defence partners, and protecting Canada's sover- eignty and that of its allies. As a pivotal response to Canada's subma- rine needs, the Victoria In-Service Support Contract (VISSC) was competed in 2008 and subsequently awarded to Babcock Canada. Throughout the course of the contract, Babcock and its strategic indus- try-leading partners BMT and Seaspan Victoria Shipyards, have worked together, most recently as Team Victoria-Class, to find ways to further enhance the delivery of safe and capable submarines to Canada. In 2018, HMCS Windsor, a Canadian Victoria-Class submarine, became the first submarine deployed to the Mediterranean in a counter-terrorism mission with NATO in over 40 years. The same ship participated in one of NATO's most difficult warfare exercises, DYNAMIC MANTA 2018, in collaboration with 10 NATO countries for simulated multi-threat training on the Mediterranean Sea. That same year saw HMCS Chicoutimi return to its homeport Sponsored Content 10 OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2023 SUBMARINES - PLAYING A CRITICAL ROLE IN SAFEGUARDING CANADA'S BORDERS P E R S P E C T I V E

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