Vanguard Magazine

Vanguard December 2023/January 2024

Preserving capacity, General Tom Lawson, Chief of the Defence Staff, Keys to Canadian SAR

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FEATURES 12 Integration and Interoperability - At the Core of Canada's C4ISR Solution by Rick Fawcett 16 Interoperability and Integration in C4ISR - Resetting the Canadian Armed Forces and the Defence Enterprise Interview by Michael Rouleau with Ross Ermel, Raj Thuppal and Major-General Peter Dawe 22 Deep Blue Forum 2023 by Norman Jolin 24 Deep Blue Forum 2023 in Pictures by Vanguard Staff DEPARTMENTS 6 S I T R E P Jenni Gibbons and Joshua Kutryk, Canadian Space Agency Astronauts; Canada Reinforces Commitment to NATO's Eastern Flank with Major Military Expansion in Latvia; A Shipbuilding Triumph: Launching the Future HMCS Frédérick Rolette by Vanguard Staff G A M E C H A N G E R S 7 Dr. Emeka E. Egbogah, Technology Strategy and Product Portfolio Manager, General Dynamics Mission Systems - Canada 9 John Davis, Vice President, Public Sector, Palo Alto Networks P E R S P E CT I V E 10 The FORC3 Team - A Strategic Partnership by Mathieu Voghel, Rheinmetall Canada 15 Outmatch Adversaries with Pan-OO 11.1 Cosmos & Strata Cloud Manager by Palo Alto Networks 30 T H E LA S T WO R D Canada's Defence Policy. The Update to Strong. Secure. Engaged. is Long Overdue by Jake Jacobson 12 Integration and Interoperability – At the Core of Canada's C4ISR Solution VANGUARD ONLINE: It's in the Archives Missed an issue? Misplaced an article? You'll find them all online at in the MAGAZINE tab on the menu bar. Letters We welcome feedback on articles and story ideas. Email About the Cover Interoperability and Integration in C4ISR - Resetting the Canadian Armed Forces and the Defence Enterprise DECEMBER 2023/JANUARY 2024 3

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