Vanguard Magazine

Vanguard December 2023/January 2024

Preserving capacity, General Tom Lawson, Chief of the Defence Staff, Keys to Canadian SAR

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Deep Blue Forum 2023 22 DECEMBER 2023/JANUARY 2024 D E E P B L U E B Y N O R M A N J O L I N L ike Deep Blue 2022, the day- long 2023 conference was conducted in person with si- multaneous virtual streaming, engaging expertise from Aus- tralia, Germany, Sweden, the United King- dom, and across Canada. More than 390 people spanning government and industry registered for Deep Blue 2023, 250 of whom attended in person and 73 partici- pated virtually. The result was a dynamic interaction which was only limited by the time available. The conference opened with a keynote speech by Commodore Jason Armstrong, the RCN Director-General Naval Force Development, on why a globally deploy- able conventional submarine was a neces- sary part of Canadian continental defence. He explained that the first Victoria-class submarine will leave service in 2034, fol- lowed by another one every two years. He underscored the Canadian Patrol Subma- rine Project, which is a whole of Govern- VANGUARD'S FOURTH ANNUAL UNDERWATER FORUM, DEEP BLUE 2023, WAS HELD IN OTTAWA ON N OV E M B E R 2, WITH A FOCUS ON THE CANADIAN PATROL SUBMARINE PROJECT (CPSP) AND SUBMARINE ENDURANCE. ment initiative, not just DND, is open to talking with everyone in industry to expe- dite the procurement process. His speech highlighted the need for a submarine able to operate North of 60, including short forays under-ice, and the concurrent re- quirement for range, endurance and per- sistence. He was then followed by a panel discus- sion, moderated by retired Rear Admiral Casper Donovan, on the strategic per- spective of why Canada needs an ocean- going submarine. The international panel explored future operating areas and the threat (if it can go to the Arctic then it can go to the European and Pacific theatres), people issues (notably habitability), the im- pact of climate change on operations, and environmental issues of how waste disposal impacts submarine design and endurance. That was followed by a second panel dis- cussion moderated by Darcy Byrtus that posed a question to three submarine man- ufacturers: what drives design decisions in Serving and retired submariners in attendance at Deep Blue Forum 2023. Photos: Summer Fuller modern conventional submarines? Attend- ees then enjoyed three excellent presenta- tions by SAAB/Kockums (with the C71 submarine), thyssenkrupp Marine Systems (with the Type 212 CD submarine) and Hanwha Ocean (with the KSS III – Jang- bogo III submarine). Common themes soon emerged, including increased endur- ance (and the impact of human factors), stealth and the need to reduce all signa- tures (not just acoustic), power generation and storage, automation to reduce crew size and faster threat detection and classifi- cation capabilities. Following a luncheon break, during which delegates had an opportunity to visit display booths, the afternoon keynote address was given by former Canadian Ambassador to the Peoples Republic of China, Guy Saint Jacques. He gave a pow- erful presentation on the threat posed by China and how it remains an important country for Canada. He underscored the need to implement the Indo-Pacific Strat-

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