Preserving capacity, General Tom Lawson, Chief of the Defence Staff, Keys to Canadian SAR
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4 FEBRUARY/MARCH 2024 E D I T O R' S N O T E As I prepared this issue of Vanguard, the words of former United States Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld kept resonating in my mind. During a 2002 press conference he em- phasized the importance of recognizing known unknowns, unknown unknowns, and things we're not even aware we don't know. This statement became famous. It's also relevant to the stories we're proud to feature this month. They highlight the importance of stepping back and critically examining things we often assume to be true or which we may overlook until it's too late. In this month's Last Word feature, Greg Taylor, former chief of staff of the Pet- awawa-based Special Service Force, warns Canadians that we must urgently turn our collective eyes northward, toward our vast and vulnerable Arctic border. Taylor, along with others, says a direct threat from an enemy force is far more likely than we want to believe. His message to policy- makers is clear: we can't assume that past events should dictate our future decisions, and that if we want to secure our northern border from future threats, we must take urgent action now. "Our North is more than a few acres of snow." Taylor notes. "There are popula- tion centres, citizens, infrastructure, re- sources. And amongst all this some stra- tegic targets an aggressor might covet." His assessment is as stark as it is sobering: "Let's be clear. Canada does not have any real capability today to defend against an aggressor who attacks us on the ground." Our feature story stems from a Deep Blue 2023 panel discussion focusing on the significance and advancement of on- board environmental systems for subma- rines, particularly within the environmen- tally regulated Arctic region. While waste management might not be the first consid- eration in strategic naval initiatives, RAdm Luc Cassivi (Ret'd) emphasized its critical importance. Ensuring crew comfort, ad- dressing vulnerabilities to sustain longer combat readiness, and maintaining com- pliance with evolving regulations are all crucial aspects that cannot be overlooked. For those who were unable to attend, VAdm Ron Lloyd (Ret'd) provides a com- prehensive summary of the 10th Annual C4ISR and Beyond Conference, which took place in January in Ottawa. He too understands the importance of casting a critical eye on the status quo, and "specifi- cally to challenge some of our orthodox- ies on security and risk. Orthodoxies that are hurting our efforts to perform in this space." We're also pleased to introduce you to our latest Game Changers. First is Jer- emy Frohlich, chief operations officer at Language Research Development Group (LRDG). Jeremy explains how LRDG is changing the way government employees are learning English and French, following the company's new and exciting model. Second is John McCarthy, CEO of Seas- pan Shipyards. John is at the forefront of rejuvenating Canada's shipbuilding indus- try, creating thousands of jobs for ship- yards and the pan-Canadian supply chain. Finally, if you haven't already, I urge you to register for ShipTech Forum 2024, tak- ing place February 27th in Ottawa. This annual conference showcases emerging technologies and addresses the full range of the Canadian marine industry, includ- ing shipbuilding, ship repair and retrofit- ting. Visit for more information. I hope to see you there. Terri Pavelic, Editor-in-Chief EDITORIAL E D I TO R-I N-C H I E F | T E R R I PAV E L I C P U B L I S H E R A N D E X E C U T I V E E D I TO R | J. R I C H A R D J O N E S CO N T R I B U T I N G E D I TO R | M I C H A E L MacM I L LA N CONTRIBUTORS G R E G TAY LO R VAdm RO N L LOY D (R E T'D) W I L L S I M M O N S EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD LG E N S T U A RT B E A R E (R E T'D) CO L R I C H A R D F AWC E TT (R E T'D) CA PT(N) N O R M J O L I N (R E T'D) CO L P I E R R E L E B LA N C (R E T'D) CA R I N N A L I N S H A N N O N M CC L U R E SALES D I R E CTO R, CO N T E N T & B U S I N E S S D E V E LO P M E N T | DAV I D B LO N D E A U ART & PRODUCTION A RT D I R E CTO R | E L E N A PA N KOVA S U B S C R I P T I O N S A N D A D D R E S S C H A N G E S C I RC U LAT I O N S E RV I C E S | Publisher's Mail Agreement: 40052410 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to circulation dept. 21374, 2nd Concession Rd, East Gwillimbury, ON, L9N 0H7 Vanguard magazine is published 6 times per year by Promotive Communications Inc. All opinions expressed herein are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher or any person or organization associated with the magazine. Letters, submissions, comments and suggested topics are welcome, and should be sent to REPRINT INFORMATION: Reproduction or photocopying is prohibited without the publisher's prior written consent. High quality reprints of articles and additional copies of the magazine are available through PRIVACY POLICY: We do not sell our mailing list or share any confidential information on our subscribers. VANGUARD OFFICE 21374, 2nd Concession Rd, East Gwillimbury, ON, L9N 0H7 Phone: (905) 727-3875 THE FORUM FOR CANADA'S SECURITY AND DEFENCE COMMUNITY