Vanguard Magazine

Vanguard February/March 2024

Preserving capacity, General Tom Lawson, Chief of the Defence Staff, Keys to Canadian SAR

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I N N O V A T O R S & T R A I L B L A Z E R S H OW I S YO U R O RG A N I ZAT I O N C H A N G I N G T H E G A M E W I T H I N YO U R I N D U S T RY S E CTO R? LRDG has been changing the way the Government of Canada learns English and French from day one (2002). LRDG's model is more personalized and flexible, focused on oral interaction and linguistic mastery. Each user has their own starting point, learning objectives, schedule, training frequency, and of course learning habits. H OW H A S I N N OVAT I O N B E CO M E E N G RA I N E D I N YO U R O RG A N I ZAT I O N'S C U LT U R E A N D H OW I S I T B E I N G O P T I M I Z E D? We've brought our learning curriculum from CD to DVD and now to a fully online LMS and Portal – to provide a complete turnkey learning management solution for tutors, government employees and their managers and procurement personnel. W H AT WA S YO U R A-H A M O M E N T O R E P I P H A N Y T H AT YO U T H I N K W I L L R E S O N AT E M O S T W I T H O U R R E A D E R S? Today LRDG is the only supplier in the world, compliant with the 100+ pages of regulations and requirements on Canada's National Master Standing Offer for Virtual Language Training. It's an unbelievable feeling and huge honour and I couldn't be prouder of what we built, what my father started 20 years ago. CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER LRDG – LANGUAGE RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT GROUP JEREMY FROHLICH It's nice to be able to help and give new hope to employees to actually have fun learning a second language and continue to plan for their career progression without feeling held back. WHAT IS THE ONE THING THAT HAS YOU MOST FIRED UP TODAY? For the interview, see page 26

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