Vanguard Magazine

Vanguard April/May 2024

Preserving capacity, General Tom Lawson, Chief of the Defence Staff, Keys to Canadian SAR

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Sponsored Content P E R S P E C T I V E DDS as a Core Standard for Integration and Interoperability Future defence systems will be software- defined, standards based, and data-cen- tric. RTI Connext naturally encourages and supports these types of architectures. Applications work on existing network infrastructure and are transport agnostic allowing applications to move data over multiple physical communications links. DDS provides gateways to share data between different systems. These gateways perform several functions while maintain- ing data centricity. They allow systems using other connectivity technologies to commu- nicate between new or legacy systems and provide secure communication between systems while enforcing security rules such as encryption and access control lists. RTI Connext provides the integration glue to allow systems to collaborate and interact effectively in real-time, real-world conditions. This technology is a signifi- cant enabler towards the goal of Zero- Day Interoperability and is ready to sup- port the CAF's pan-domain operations. John Breitenbach is Director of Aerospace & Defence Markets for Real-Time Innovations. He has over 30 years of experience designing soware for intelligent machines. He's worked on industrial, medical, consumer and military products - everything from artificial hearts to autonomous vehicles to elevators. cessfully intercepted by US Navy destroy- ers employing the AEGIS weapon system. Aegis is designed for interoperability be- tween ships' on-board and offboard sen- sors and its weapon systems, including surface to air missiles and guns, through a real-time command and control system for human-in-the-loop decision-making. The initial detection of the target, tracking sequence, threat assessment and weapon assignment, through to missile launch and interception of the threat, must happen in a matter of milliseconds to achieve a suc- cessful engagement. The DDS framework is a crucial element of sensor-to-shooter networks, moving data in a fast, secure, and robust manner. DDS From Edge to Cloud The US and Canada military forces are migrating towards cloud-based command and control (CBC2) systems to provide a higher degree of centralized data control and distribution. Cloud-based systems are largely focused on the storage, processing, collation, and analysis of both enterprise and operational data. To understand the application of DDS in a cloud environment, one must first appreciate the time-criticality of the data. Though many web services and Java- based applications are available to cloud users, they are not compatible with hard real-time weapon system response re- quirements. This is the domain where DDS excels. The DDS framework provides a stan- dard messaging implementations between non-real time applications like CBC2 and extreme real-time weapon systems where milliseconds matter. RTI Connext is a software framework that enables interconnectivity between weapon systems and command formations at every level. As the world's leading Data Distri- bution Service (DDS™)-based solution, Connext moves operational data in a ro- bust, secure, real-time manner– even in denied, degraded, intermittent or limited (DDIL) conditions. DDS provides the standard and data connectivity bridging applications resident in weapons, sensors and C2 systems. This vendor- and net- work-agnostic system of systems approach guarantees interoperability between legacy and new systems. DDS in the News So, what is the operational advantage that DDS brings to the warfighter? Deployed in over 1,000 Aerospace & Defence sys- tems, DDS moves data between sensors and effectors in real-time. As weapons sys- tems become more software-defined and data-driven, DDS allows real-time system updates of new functional capabilities even during active deployment. An example of the type of system that can benefit from this is the Patriot Missile system, deployed to Ukraine to support the air defence mis- sion. Weapon system manufacturers can upload new algorithms without taking the system out of service, greatly enhancing operational availability and system effec- tiveness. What's happening with Patriot right now depicts the story of several global de- fence trends. The Ukraine took delivery of Patriots, updated the software, and suc- cessfully shot down Russia's latest hyper- sonic missile. Recently, Houthi missiles have been suc- B Y J O H N B R E I T E N B AC H 24 APRIL/MAY 2024 RTI CONNEXT®: The DDS Software Framework for Better, Faster Defence Systems Patriot missile launchers acquired from the U.S. are seen deployed in Warsaw, Poland, in February. (Michal Dyjuk/AP) The USS Carney in 2018 (Ryan U. Kledzik/U.S. Navy/AP)

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