Vanguard Magazine

Vanguard April/May 2024

Preserving capacity, General Tom Lawson, Chief of the Defence Staff, Keys to Canadian SAR

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6 APRIL/MAY 2024 E D I T O R' S N O T E If you're anything like me, as we approach the summer months, you've probably found your New Year's resolutions have slipped away. But like me, you'll likely set some new resolutions when 2025 rolls around. It's not that committing to change isn't worthwhile; it's just that the everyday de- mands of life tend to get in the way of meeting our lofty aspirations. The trick is to maintain focus on the big ideas while still taking care of the little tasks. In this edition of Vanguard, we delve into this delicate balance between pursuing ambi- tious goals and managing the essential but routine tasks that require our attention. In this issue we interview VAdm Bob Auchterlonie the Commander Canadian Joint Operations Command about the Joint Operations Symposium (JOS) that took place in February. The JOS is a fo- rum for strategic leaders to talk about the national and international challenges hap- pening in the defence realm. This year the theme focused on operational challenges facing the CAF and lessons learned from the Ukraine conflict. VAdm Auchterlonie shares key take aways on technology and digital transformation impact, bringing the defence-industrial complex into dis- cussions and the value of not jumping too early to conclusions. In his keynote address at the ShipTech Forum 2024, Cmdre Keith Coffen, Direc- tor General of Maritime Equipment Pro- gramme Management at the Department of National Defence, provides a compre- hensive overview of naval fleet develop- ment, maintenance and procurement. He stresses the importance of understanding the intricate processes that govern pro- curement beyond individual ships. Two key insights emerge: the vastly un- derestimated complexity of fleet planning, and why it's critical that we learn and apply the lessons that date all the way back to the Cold War era to foster the transparent and innovative management of maritime equipment. Cmdre Keith Coffen fully un- derstands the significance of learning from the past while focusing on the future. It's hard to overstate the extent to which technology has impacted our lives. Dur- ing the late 20th century, the concept of Moore's Law and the idea of steady, sig- nificant growth in compute power loomed over the tech industry. However, as Dean Enon discusses in his opinion piece, we are nearing the limitations of Moore's Law, especially in high-performance comput- ing (HPC) crucial to defense operations. Enon outlines the shift towards cloud computing as a primary driver for HPC's continued impact across various sectors, emphasizing the need to adapt to this evolving landscape to maintain progress and innovation. I'm also pleased to once again be able to share the insights of Captain (N) Norman Jolin (Ret'd) who further explores the landscape of Canadian defense procure- ment in a recent NAC strategic analysis, an excerpt of which is included in this issue. He underscores the importance for gov- ernments to prioritize results and deliver- ables over spending optics, particularly in response to the current security demands. Jolin's insights shed light on the challenges and opportunities within the defence pro- curement sector, advocating for a more strategic and outcome-focused approach. As we navigate the evolving landscape of the defence sector, Vanguard remains ded- icated to providing readers with informa- tive and insightful content. We hope this issue stimulates meaningful dialogue and inspires fresh ideas and prompts us to not lose sight of the big thinking required to effect meaningful, positive change. Terri Pavelic, Editor-in-Chief EDITORIAL E D I TO R-I N-C H I E F | T E R R I PAV E L I C P U B L I S H E R A N D E X E C U T I V E E D I TO R | J. R I C H A R D J O N E S CO N T R I B U T I N G E D I TO R | M I C H A E L MacM I L LA N CONTRIBUTORS VA D M B O B A U C H T E R LO N I E C M D R E K E I T H CO F F E N N O R M A N J O L I N OW E N T H O M A S EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD LG E N S T U A RT B E A R E (R E T'D) CO L R I C H A R D F AWC E TT (R E T'D) CA PT(N) N O R M J O L I N (R E T'D) CO L P I E R R E L E B LA N C (R E T'D) CA R I N N A L I N S H A N N O N M CC L U R E SALES D I R E CTO R, CO N T E N T & B U S I N E S S D E V E LO P M E N T | DAV I D B LO N D E A U ART & PRODUCTION A RT D I R E CTO R | E L E N A PA N KOVA S U B S C R I P T I O N S A N D A D D R E S S C H A N G E S C I RC U LAT I O N S E RV I C E S | Publisher's Mail Agreement: 40052410 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to circulation dept. 21374, 2nd Concession Rd, East Gwillimbury, ON, L9N 0H7 Vanguard magazine is published 6 times per year by Promotive Communications Inc. All opinions expressed herein are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher or any person or organization associated with the magazine. Letters, submissions, comments and suggested topics are welcome, and should be sent to REPRINT INFORMATION: Reproduction or photocopying is prohibited without the publisher's prior written consent. High quality reprints of articles and additional copies of the magazine are available through PRIVACY POLICY: We do not sell our mailing list or share any confidential information on our subscribers. VANGUARD OFFICE 21374, 2nd Concession Rd, East Gwillimbury, ON, L9N 0H7 Phone: (905) 727-3875 THE FORUM FOR CANADA'S SECURITY AND DEFENCE COMMUNITY

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