Vanguard Magazine

Vanguard April/May 2024

Preserving capacity, General Tom Lawson, Chief of the Defence Staff, Keys to Canadian SAR

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On April 15, Esquimalt, British Columbia witnessed the arrival of His Majesty's Canadian Ship (HMCS) Max Bernays to its new homeport. As the inaugural Harry DeWolf-class vessel to per- manently join Canada's Pacific Fleet, this marks a significant stride in the Royal Canadian Navy's expansion of its Arctic and Offshore Patrol fleet. Constructed by Irving Shipbuilding Inc. in Halifax, as part of the National Shipbuilding Strategy, HMCS Max Bernays was successfully launched into the water on October 23, 2021. The ship's delivery ceremony ensued on September 2, 2022, culmi- nating in its journey to the West Coast, where it will now call Esquimalt its home. The introduction of HMCS Max Bernays to Maritime Forces Pacific represents a pivotal juncture, bolstering the Navy's ca- pability to uphold sovereignty in the western Canadian waters while preparing to confront future defense challenges in the North. These versatile vessels are poised to play a central role in augmenting Canada's Arctic presence, strategically comple- menting the surveillance operations conducted by both pres- ent and forthcoming warships. It is noteworthy that HMCS Max Bernays is not only the first ship of the Harry DeWolf-class attached to Canada's Pa- cific Fleet but also paves the way for the future HMCS Robert Hampton Gray, which will eventually follow suit in transfer- ring between coasts. HMCS Max Bernays Anchors Down in Esquimalt: A New Era for Canadian Naval Power The Harry DeWolf-class Arctic and Offshore Patrol Vessels (AOPV). Image Source: 383283459?s=46&t=p4lFEPcgf9Fr62eZ-cDyUA S SIT REP 10 APRIL/MAY 2024 Minister Petitpas Taylor Unveils Major Revitalization Plans for Gagetown Military Base HMCS Montréal 336. Image source: cannavy/status/1779849871454872010?s=46&t=p4lFEPcgf9Fr62 eZ-cDyUA Representing the Honourable Bill Blair, Minister of National Defence, Minister Petitpas Taylor in March revealed an in- fusion of $55.6 million into Gagetown Military Base's infra- structure. Among the slated improvements are LED lighting installations, advanced heat and energy recovery systems, high-efficiency boilers, fortified building envelopes, upgraded water fixtures, a new high-efficiency gas power generator, and innovative geothermal technology. "The modernizations to the Gagetown base will benefit our military members and make the base more sustainable in the long term. By supporting green projects like these, we're in- vesting in Atlantic Canada's economic prosperity while devel- oping local employees' expertise in these new green technol- ogies. This is an excellent step forward on our path to reduce emissions," explained the Honourable Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence. Scheduled for completion in 2026, this endeavor promises a 24% reduction in energy expenditure, translating to an- nual savings of $3 million, along with a concurrent cut of over 8,700 tonnes in greenhouse gas emissions per annum – equivalent to removing more than 1,700 cars from the road. The initial wave of emissions reduction and energy savings is anticipated to commence as early as April 2024, with the full suite of upgrades anticipated to be finalized by April 2026, culminating in the comprehensive reduction of energy costs.

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