Vanguard Magazine

Vanguard June/July 2024

Preserving capacity, General Tom Lawson, Chief of the Defence Staff, Keys to Canadian SAR

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4 JUNE/JULY 2024 E D I T O R' S N O T E Here at Vanguard, our issues tend to be rooted in the moment. This could involve recapping a recent industry event or lever- aging our experts' insights to illuminate a recent trend significant to our Armed Forces and all Canadians. We capture and present a snapshot of that moment, then move on to create the next one. Sometimes, an issue comes along that feels different — bigger and deeper. It invites us to step back and reflect on the proud history and impact of our Armed Forces. I'm proud to say that this issue, which focuses on the incredible 100-year legacy of the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF), is one of those special moments. I want to extend a special welcome and thank you to all our readers who are cur- rent or former members of the RCAF. Congratulations to all of you on the Cen- tennial. I hope you find this issue as in- sightful and rewarding as we do. My interview with Col Maggie Jacula's story is truly inspiring. An aerospace en- gineer by trade, she transitioned from an army reservist to a pivotal role in the RCAF. Her experiences span various sig- nificant assignments, from maritime patrol to search and rescue missions, culminating in her current position as the campaign manager for the RCAF Centennial. Col. Jacula offers an engaging and insightful look into the rich history and dynamic fu- ture of the RCAF, as well as an overview of the Centennial celebrations so far and what's to come this summer. Her energy and passion for this project jumps off the page. History buffs will appreciate BGen (Ret'd) Terrence Leversedge's "Reflection on 100 Years of the Royal Canadian Air Force." He takes us back to a time before the RCAF as we know it existed and pro- files LCol Redford "Red" Mulock, the first Canadian ace in World War I. Mulock played a pivotal role in advocating for an independent Canadian Air Force, empha- sizing the need for specialized units and a unified command structure based on his extensive operational experience. It's be- cause of his efforts that we can celebrate the Centennial today. MGen (Ret'd) Colin Keiver moves us away from the history books to the pres- ent day. The RCAF of 2024, he notes, is undergoing a transformation as significant as its founding, driven by substantial in- vestments and strategic initiatives such as Strong, Secure and Engaged (SSE) and NORAD Modernization. This transfor- mation leverages disruptive technolo- gies of the digital age, including Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Sensor Fusion, and Quantum Technology, to enhance operational effi- ciency, precision, and decision-making. We are also honoured to have LGen Eric Kenny, Commander of the RCAF, share his thoughts on the future. The RCAF will undergo tremendous change between now and 2035, focusing on a digital de- sign connected to C4ISR architecture for information dominance and decision su- periority. We hope this issue provides you with a deep appreciation of the RCAF's legacy and an exciting glimpse into its future. I hope to see you at the various planned cel- ebrations this year. Terri Pavelic, Editor-in-Chief EDITORIAL E D I TO R-I N-C H I E F | T E R R I PAV E L I C P U B L I S H E R A N D E X E C U T I V E E D I TO R | J. R I C H A R D J O N E S CO N T R I B U T I N G E D I TO R | M I C H A E L MacM I L LA N CONTRIBUTORS CO L I N K E I V E R T E R R E N C E L E V E R S E D G E W I L L I A M M A RC H EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD LG E N S T U A RT B E A R E (R E T'D) CO L R I C H A R D F AWC E TT (R E T'D) CA PT(N) N O R M J O L I N (R E T'D) CO L P I E R R E L E B LA N C (R E T'D) CA R I N N A L I N S H A N N O N M CC L U R E SALES D I R E CTO R, CO N T E N T & B U S I N E S S D E V E LO P M E N T | DAV I D B LO N D E A U ART & PRODUCTION A RT D I R E CTO R | E L E N A PA N KOVA S U B S C R I P T I O N S A N D A D D R E S S C H A N G E S C I RC U LAT I O N S E RV I C E S | Publisher's Mail Agreement: 40052410 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to circulation dept. 21374, 2nd Concession Rd, East Gwillimbury, ON, L9N 0H7 Vanguard magazine is published 6 times per year by Promotive Communications Inc. All opinions expressed herein are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher or any person or organization associated with the magazine. Letters, submissions, comments and suggested topics are welcome, and should be sent to REPRINT INFORMATION: Reproduction or photocopying is prohibited without the publisher's prior written consent. High quality reprints of articles and additional copies of the magazine are available through PRIVACY POLICY: We do not sell our mailing list or share any confidential information on our subscribers. VANGUARD OFFICE 21374, 2nd Concession Rd, East Gwillimbury, ON, L9N 0H7 Phone: (905) 727-3875 THE FORUM FOR CANADA'S SECURITY AND DEFENCE COMMUNITY

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