Vanguard Magazine

Vanguard August/September 2024

Preserving capacity, General Tom Lawson, Chief of the Defence Staff, Keys to Canadian SAR

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24 AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2024 T E C H N O LO G Y T he intelligence, surveil- lance and reconnaissance (ISR) community faces new challenges as an exponen- tial increase of informa- tion—including real-time data and video streams—is shared with a growing com- munity of stakeholders. A new approach to system architecture is needed to deliver critical information to a more diverse set of collaborators, whether they are located in the last tactical mile or coalition partners sitting in headquarters. For ISR missions that depend on video, the challenges are many, including secur- ing communication, overcoming band- width limitations, and implementing end-to-end encryption when transmitting across multiple networks. Here, Mark Rushton, a defence and se- curity specialist and Business Development Director at VITEC: a global technology leader in the IPTV space, shares his in- sights on what is at stake. How have critical ISR workflows evolved in recent years? One significant change is the increased amount of information being processed and shared. With what seems like a uni- versal need for real-time data and video streams, the dissemination imperative has expanded beyond traditional platforms and operational command centres. ISR in- telligence must now reach a much wider range of collaborators. This expansion has made the system ar- chitecture more complex. Leaders in dy- namic and unpredictable environments must ensure secure communication and overcome bandwidth challenges while maintaining encryption. Additionally, the broad mix of radio networks used by drones — and other vehicles that carry ISR payloads — introduces variations in qual- ity that must be managed to deliver high- fidelity images to end-users. The types of devices receiving and pro- cessing video data have also become more complex. ISR equipment is no longer lim- ited to control rooms and large screens in operation centers. Video intelligence must also be delivered to portable devices in remote locations where users—who may need this information the most—often have limited access to bandwidth. How is the use of IP Video in ISR evolving? In a word, quickly. This is due to techno- logical advances, higher demands for real- time data, and the need for better interop- erability and security. For instance, IP Video technology al- lows for the seamless sharing of real-time video feeds across various platforms and devices. This is crucial for ISR operations, enabling timely decision-making and coor- dination among military units, intelligence agencies, and coalition partners. Advancements in video compression algorithms like H.264, H.265, and VVC have improved video quality while reduc- ing bandwidth needs. This means high- resolution video can be sent over various networks, even those with limited band- width capacity, without losing quality. On a different vector altogether, it is im- portant to observe that ISR has not been immune to the forces driving the adop- tion of artificial intelligence. Integrating IP Video with AI and machine learning enhances ISR capabilities because it can analyze video feeds in real-time to detect anomalies, identify objects or individuals, and provide actionable insights, reducing the workload on human analysts. As IP Video use expands, there is a great- er focus on security. Advanced encryption and secure transmission protocols protect sensitive video data from being intercepted or accessed without authorization, ensur- ing the integrity and confidentiality of ISR operations. How is the community managing this growing complexity? Standards are essential for supporting the ISR mission. It is the only way that every- one—including system architects, platform vendors, signal integrators, ISR command- ers and third-party collaborators—can en- sure that systems are compatible and can work together. A standards-based approach to interop- erability also prevents the ISR community from being locked into proprietary tech- nologies that can limit future options. While a standards-based approach to in- teroperability prevents the ISR community from being locked into proprietary tech- nologies that limit future options, it must The Changes and Challenges Within Critical ISR Workflows IP VIDEO TECHNOLOGY: B Y M A R K R U S H T O N

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