Vanguard Magazine

Vanguard October/November 2024

Preserving capacity, General Tom Lawson, Chief of the Defence Staff, Keys to Canadian SAR

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I N N O V A T O R S & T R A I L B L A Z E R S W H AT I S T H E O N E T H I N G T H AT H A S YO U M O S T F I R E D U P TO DAY? BluMetric's future and the wonderful people I work with. I am so energized every day to work with my colleagues to help the company in some small way meet its goals and live up to its values. H OW I S YO U R O RG A N I ZAT I O N C H A N G I N G T H E G A M E W I T H I N YO U R I N D U S T RY S E CTO R? Well from my perspective, in three ways. Firstly, with Mission Ready Water and the philosophy behind that term, which fundamentally means water and wastewater systems that are ready for any mission, anywhere, anytime, regardless of the quality of the water source for drinking purposes or the type of discharge. Secondly, with our full commitment that we will service what we build, unless requested, we don't download that responsibility. Finally, BluMetric wants to be a partner in resolving water issues, we are not selling an off- the-shelf product, it's all custom designed and made in collaboration with our partners. We analyze the whole integrated water system, not just the unit you plug in. Without that care to detail you will have challenges. SENIOR BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER BLUMETRIC ENVIRONMENTAL INC. SCOTT HEALEY One moment stands out, and it may sound cliché, but listen, listen, listen, with a slight twist. Someone once said,"most people listen to respond, try listening to hear." It really made me reflect on how I interact with people. I try to incorporate that piece of advice daily, because I love to respond. WHAT IS THE BEST ADVICE YOU RECEIVED? For the interview, see page 36

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