Vanguard Magazine

April/May 2015

Preserving capacity, General Tom Lawson, Chief of the Defence Staff, Keys to Canadian SAR

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for more information on the OMX event on May 7, please see: value-of-partnerships APRIL/MAY 2015 47 T Technology wATCh T O L E A R N M O R E V I S I T : S C OT T S A F E T Y.C O M Copyright © 2011 Scott Safety. All Rights Reserved. T O L E A R N M O R E V I S I T : LET'S WORK. S co t t S a fe t y a re wo r l d l e a d e r s i n t h e d e s i g n a n d d eve l o p m e n t o f Re s p i ra to r y P ro te c t i o n Eq u i p m e n t ( R P E ) . We h ave a d e t a i l e d u n d e r st a n d i n g o f t h e p hys i o l o g i c a l a n d p syc h o l o g i c a l b u rd e n R P E c a n p l a ce o n u s e r s . Th a t i s w hy we te st i n t h e f i e l d . We a p p l y w h a t we l e a r n t h e re – a s we l l a s e m e rg i n g re s e a rc h a n d te c h n o l o g i e s to eve r y d e s i g n to e n s u re s u p e r i o r c a p a b i l i t y, f u n c t i o n a l i t y a n d co m fo r t . I r re s p e c t i ve o f w h e t h e r yo u r re q u i re m e n t i s fo r C B R N p ro te c t i o n , B re a t h i n g A p p a ra t u s fo r E O D, U SA R , D a m a g e Co n t ro l , L aw E n fo rce m e n t , F i re F i g h t i n g o r fo r s p e c i a l i st a p p l i c a t i o n s S co t t c a n m e e t yo u r re q u i re m e n t s - Co m fo r t a b l y OUR FOUNDATION IS OUR TECHNOLOGIES, OUR MISSION IS EXPANDING YOUR CAPABILITIES. interact in open environments, offering a vast range of interactive devices including motion tracking, 3D view and full-body sensors. "Our solution can integrate already ex- isting objects in traditional simulation environments as well as those currently used by the military, meaning that there is high delivery fl exibility," he said. "We are engineering the future of immersive environments with improved pedagogical methods and state-of-the-art technologies at their core." gamifi cation One particularly innovative company in Victoria is bringing their Hollywood back- ground and understanding of digital tech- nologies to the defence industry for appli- cations in training and simulation. Their application of gamifi cation to better en- gage their target audience/user is increas- ingly popular in this fi eld. "RaceRocks is an education technology SME that develops high quality learning and training tools," said CEO Scott Dew- is. "We integrate the latest technologies including augmented reality, simulation, games and video storytelling, to transfer information in a format that is engaging, immersive and entertaining." Every company in North America is fac- ing the retirement of the Baby Boomers in the next 5-10 years; aerospace companies could lose 50 percent of their workforce to retirement during this time, and with them 30 or more years of institutional knowl- edge and corporate intuition. Advanced training techniques that are simple, visual and engaging will be required to transfer intellectual capital from the Boomers to the Millennials who are poised to replace them. Government and the military see an even faster churn as staff stay in posi- tions for shorter periods, coupled with the procurement of new and untrained equip- ment. New education technologies will help smooth these major transitions. While it's fun to have ideas, the real value of these ideas is in their application – in creating the linkages between the technol- ogy that exists today and its application to our local industrial base, to our armed forces, and to making Canadian industry more competitive globally. The one thing successful companies and countries have in common is creating technology solutions through "collabora- tion." I believe in partnerships early in the process: partnerships with academia, with other companies (SMEs and large multi- nationals), with government (and their research organizations), and with other countries. This is OMX's modus operandi. In early May, we will host a special event on the value of partnerships at Airship 37, a unique venue in Toronto's historic Dis- tillery District (sorry, not San Francisco). We are doing this in partnership with Van- guard to look at opportunities for partner- ships around value propositions. We will also be displaying some unique technology. Until then, we will keep maintaining our "watch" on what's coming up next for Ca- nadian defence technology.

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