Vanguard Magazine

Jun/Jul 2015

Preserving capacity, General Tom Lawson, Chief of the Defence Staff, Keys to Canadian SAR

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a aIr FORCE JUNE/JULY 2015 19 T O L E A R N M O R E V I S I T : S C OT T S A F E T Y.C O M Copyright © 2011 Scott Safety. All Rights Reserved. LET'S WORK. S co t t S a fe t y a re wo r l d l e a d e r s i n t h e d e s i g n a n d d eve l o p m e n t o f Re s p i ra to r y P ro te c t i o n Eq u i p m e n t ( R P E ) . We h ave a d e t a i l e d u n d e r st a n d i n g o f t h e p hys i o l o g i c a l a n d p syc h o l o g i c a l b u rd e n R P E c a n p l a ce o n u s e r s . Th a t i s w hy we te st i n t h e f i e l d . We a p p l y w h a t we l e a r n t h e re – a s we l l a s e m e rg i n g re s e a rc h a n d te c h n o l o g i e s to eve r y d e s i g n to e n s u re s u p e r i o r c a p a b i l i t y, f u n c t i o n a l i t y a n d co m fo r t . I r re s p e c t i ve o f w h e t h e r yo u r re q u i re m e n t i s fo r C B R N p ro te c t i o n , B re a t h i n g A p p a ra t u s fo r E O D, U SA R , D a m a g e Co n t ro l , L aw E n fo rce m e n t , F i re F i g h t i n g o r fo r s p e c i a l i st a p p l i c a t i o n s S co t t c a n m e e t yo u r re q u i re m e n t s - Co m fo r t a b l y OUR FOUNDATION IS OUR TECHNOLOGIES, OUR MISSION IS EXPANDING YOUR CAPABILITIES. That level of preparation, he said, has been extended to personnel in the opera- tions centre and in flight safety systems. "You want people to be well versed with this because when it happens there is an emotional reaction, and the only thing that is going to overcome an emotional reaction for people who know that friends of theirs have just perished is to have it in a drill. That is something we have carried on and sustained within our training: how to stay focused on the task despite what has happened." More capability for the Griffon The Canadian government first announced plans to acquire a new fleet of Chinook he- licopters in 2006, but was forced to buy older D-models from the U.S. Army when the 2008 Manley report made their acqui- sition a condition of the continuation of the Canadian mission in Kandahar. While the Chinook was the more visible part of Afghan story, carrying troops over IED- infested roadways, the Griffon filled sev- eral key roles, including integrating fires to support troops in contact with the enemy. Clancy noted that while the army and air force may have a "gap" in the low lethal- ity/high accuracy spectrum – rocket sys- tems – the Griffon provides a "significant piece of fire power that is not limited by the terrain-based navigation that can pro- vide obstacles to the army." Moreover, with the addition of a .50 calibre gun, it now provides a formidable answer to en- emy fire. But it is an aging aircraft. The RCAF has begun mapping out a limited life exten- sion project focused on obsolete avionics and communication systems to take the helicopters out to 2030. Though the plan fon, they will ultimately contribute to the evolution of the tactical aviation force em- ployment concept. For the army, Clancy believes it will mean an aviation force more integrated and attuned to army needs, capable of providing support across the full spectrum of operations. For the air force, the integrated na- ture of the Wing will mean a more flex- ible command and control structure and a higher level of capability that is "much more ready to do the business." All, he added, "because we have that Chinook ca- pability integrated in to every aspect of the operation." includes the possibility of upgraded elec- tronic warfare systems and new digitally controlled engines, the intent is to improve existing capability rather than expand it. Though he does not have the deciding vote in what gets upgraded, critical for Clancy would be the inclusion of digital downlinks to share information with the army in near-real time. "Right now we are relying on verbal communication from the aircraft as opposed to a digital downlink where everybody is looking at the same picture, and that can increase situational awareness immensely," he said. Whatever changes are made to the Grif- Photos: Sgt Jean-Francois Lauzé, Garrison Imaging Petawawa

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