terry lindstrom,
is General Manager,
Ocean, Coastal and River
Engineering, at the
National Research
Council of Canada.
or nearly 100 years, Canada's
National Research Council
(NRC) has built a reputation
as a results-focused R&D per-
former. NRC's experts are now
using this experience and knowledge to
provide engineering solutions for one of
the world's most extreme environments.
Canada's Arctic offers some of today's
most difficult challenges with close to four
million square kilometers of ice-covered
land and water.
With burgeoning industries such as min-
ing, tourism, commercial fishing and oil
and gas, opportunities–although vast—
prove to be difficult to develop. The Na-
tional Research Council has taken an active
role in identifying solutions for these chal-
Photo: NRC
WoRking in
the aRctic With
canaDa's nationaL
ReseaRch counciL
The NRC is focusing on
developing technologies
to ensure sustainable and
low-impact development
of the North while also
increasing the quality of
life for Northerners.
42 DECEMBER 2015/JANUARY 2016 www.vanguardcanada.com