Dr. David McDonough
"Enjoy what you do and
be prepared to change course
if you must do so."
David takes the lead in the development of
the CDA Institute's research, analysis, and
publications output – an important element
of the Institute's raison d'être.
How are CDa anD CDa InstItute
CHangIng tHe game In your
InDustry seCtor?
The CDA and CDA Institute have a long-standing
and well-respected role in Canada's security and
defence landscape. Yet, with a transition to a new
Executive Director (now Chief Executive Officer)
and new staff, it does create an important oppor-
tunity for innovation and re-assessment on how
things are done– something we have undertaken,
whether by revamping our publications, placing
greater emphasis on website content through our
blog, or getting a more varied number of authors
(from Canada and abroad) for our publications,
thereby better ensuring that we represent a
diversity of viewpoints in accordance to the
Institute's educational mandate. Innovation is
also readily apparent in other areas, including
through our wide-ranging (and still ongoing)
governance review and rethinking the location
of and ultimately how we do our event program-
ming, and re-energizing the Regular Member and
Associate Member Associations of the CDA.
wHat Is tHe takeaway you want to gIve?
For the interview, see page 36