Vanguard Magazine


Preserving capacity, General Tom Lawson, Chief of the Defence Staff, Keys to Canadian SAR

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36 aPRiL/may 2016 See the full interview online Q What is your role at your organization today? My current position is Research Manager and Senior Editor at the CDA Institute. This does not mean that I am a researcher per se, although I have used the oppor- tunity to write occasional blog posts, op- eds, and even a peer-reviewed Vimy Pa- per over the past year, based on my own interest and discretion. Instead, my main role is as the person who takes the lead in the development of the Institute's re- search, analysis, and publications output, whether by growing our incipient Fellow- ship Program, serving as the main editor of our publications and blog, or otherwise providing direction to our research activi- ties. As such, I oversee an important ele- ment of the organization's raison d'etre – the other being our event programming, which is in the capable hands of our Pro- gram Manager Denise Lemay. Q What is the one thing that has you most fired up today? I would have to say the Defence Policy Review, which has at least created the possibility of an open process where pub- lic input may not only be welcomed but could have an impact on Canadian de- fence policy – although whether this is a real possibility or simply an appearance of one remains to be seen. Irrespective, given how long it has been since the last defence review, it has certainly created a degree of excitement from both a personal level and from an institutional level, here at the CDA and CDA Institute. It has certainly inspired me to write a number of op-eds offering thoughts about defence policy, as well as a recent Vimy Paper where I finally had a chance to put my own thoughts on Canada's possible role in BMD to paper. Q What is a habit that contributes to your success? I'd say being willing to roll up your sleeves to get things done, and being proactive about what one does. I'd also say being with hard working, astute, and amicable co-workers, as we're rarely alone in our success and sometimes it's actually a group that achieves success rather than the individual. In that sense, I feel very lucky at the CDA Institute. Q What people or organization best embodies the innovation mindset? I'd actually go back to my old doctoral supervisor Frank Harvey. It's less about his numerous awards, extensive publica- tions, and broad recognition and respect amongst the academic security and de- fence community. It has much more to do with the high quality of his writings and the degree to which he can provide very counter-intuitive stances, positions, and arguments in them – ones that often challenge the conventional wisdom, and which even if I do not necessarily agree with are still thought-provoking, logical, and impossible to ignore. I can think of few security and defence-focused aca- demics who are as astute and innovative in Canada today, and I still feel grateful for having had the opportunity to study under him – even if my own path has led me to become something of a recovering academic, so to speak. Q How has innovation become ingrained in your organization's culture and how is it being optimized? Innovation has become better ingrained partly due to the staff transition, which has opened up new avenues, ideas, and opportunities in how to approach all our activities, as well as through the ongoing Governance Review, which has helped to streamline the governance arrangements of the CDA Institute and made it more amenable to innovation. Q What technologies, business models, and trends will drive the biggest change in your industry for the next two years? I would say the openness of the new gov- ernment to input from the 'think-tank' community, which will have a driving ef- fect on what research, publication, and event output organizations like the CDA Institute will undertake over the next two years. Another trend is the growing number of think-tanks undertaking ac- tivities on security and defence issues, at a time when there is some donor/spon- sor fatigue, which will make it a more competitive environment for both event participation and private donor-corporate sponsorship. Dr. DaviD McDonough ReseaRch ManageR and senioR editoR ConferenCe of DefenCe AssoCiAtions institute C M Y CM MY CY CMY K

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