Vanguard Magazine

Vanguard JuneJuly_2016

Preserving capacity, General Tom Lawson, Chief of the Defence Staff, Keys to Canadian SAR

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See the full interview online Q how did you start out in this industry? Over the last 30 years, I have been deeply involved in high-resolution imaging and everything related to this area including image and/or signal processing, develop- ment of advanced recognition processes, digital morphology, top encryption, etc. All this general knowledge can be applied for a vast array of subjects, such as micros- copy, histology, image analysis of various defects, face recognition, fingerprint, etc. Some of these applications are directly related to the important biometrics field, forensic science, as well as defence and homeland security. Q What is your role in your organiza- tion today? My current role is director of the Institute for Diagnostic Imaging Research, spear- heading a team of international research- ers. When I created this institute about ten years ago, it was a priority for me to put together a professional and highly en- thusiastic team. Q What was your most challenging moment? For me, the most challenging moment was identifying the right strategic partner in Canada who would have a clear under- standing what they would like to achieve in terms of new security tools as well as have the necessary human and financial resources to support such a project. In the field of defence and security, we do not have enough knowledge and experience yet and this is our biggest challenge. Q What was your aha moment? The biggest revelation was finally seeing the results of the development of our 3D fingerprint project. We are able to see tiny details in the internal structure of the last phalange of the finger including dactylo- gram details, sweat pores, epidermis struc- ture, blood flow, and all of this is dynamic, so, if necessary, you can monitor a finger bone in-real time. Q What is the one thing that gets you fired up? During the last few years, I have had a chance to talk to some leading experts in defence, security and biometrics in the US, Canada, UK. I was deeply satisfied with their reactions and comments about possible applications of our prototype in their practices. Q What habit has contributed to your success? To achieve success you need to really love what you are doing and you need to cre- ate the proper spirit in your work environ- ment to enjoy your work. I try to start every day with that enthusiasm. Q What organization best embodies the innovation mindset? I think of Google, Facebook, Tesla and some other similar high-tech teams have in the last few years, brought enormous innovation to the market and still con- tinue to do. Questions about the institute for Diagnostic imaging Research Q how is your organization changing the game within your industry? Established in 2008, the Institute for Diagnostic Imaging Research is a multi- disciplinary, collaborative research and innovation centre whose primary focus is the development of innovative diagnostic imaging techniques and products. We not only conduct research but also develop products and handle product commer- cialization for a growing list of regional, national and international clients. Q What are the biggest impedi- ments to innovation in your industry? In the innovation sector, the most difficult step is to find funding which will support the transition of your idea to commercial prototyping. From my point of view, to make this step easier government funding agencies can be of great help. Q how has innovation become en- grained in your organization's culture? At the Institute for Diagnostic Imaging Re- search, you will find scientists from around the world, each a leader in their field, along with highly-trained personnel. Another cru- cial point is the selection of projects which need to be related to our expertise. By tap- ping into this talent pool and developed infrastructure, the IDIR has been able to accomplish world-class, benchmark-setting applied research and continuously strives to innovate and generate new ideas. Q What technologies, business models and trends will drive the biggest changes in your industry? Today, you need to do nonstop monitoring and find the best products that can be used for your projects. As a result, our business model became really international; we have more than a dozen partners and co-sup- pliers from different countries, which is a trend that will only continue in the future. romAn Gr. mAev direCtor-general tHe institute for diagnostiC iMaging researCH 40 JUNe/JULY 2016

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