Vanguard Magazine

Vanguard JuneJuly_2016

Preserving capacity, General Tom Lawson, Chief of the Defence Staff, Keys to Canadian SAR

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Dr. Alice B. Aiken Alice prides herself in being an astute time manager and a "chronic networker" – two things that definitely come into play when you're the scientific director of an organization that sees to the well-being and care of Canadian military personnel, reservists, veterans, and their families through world-class research that results in evidence-informed practices, policies and programs. Apart from her responsibilities with the CIMVHR, Alice is also a professor and the associate director of the School of Rehabilitation Therapy, as well as head of the Physiotherapy Program of the Faculty of Health Science at Queen's University in Kingston, Ont. Of course, Alice also proudly served in the Cana- dian Forces for 14 years, first as a ship's navigator in the Navy, and later on as a physiotherapist. She is a former president of the Canadian Physiotherapy Asso- ciation and currently the honourary commander of 33 Health Services Kingston for the Canadian Forces. How is tHe CiMVHR CHanging tHe gaMe in its spaCe? "As an academic organization, we have a very unique and focused way of bringing together researchers, government, industry, and philanthropic organizations to focus on the health of military personnel, veterans and their families. No other organization works like ours." tHe best adViCe aliCe ReCeiVed CO-FOUNdeR ANd SCIeNTIFIC dIReCTOR CANAdIAN INSTITUTe FOR MIlITARy ANd VeTeRAN HeAlTH ReSeARCH For the interview, see page 38 "Build a great team, work hard, and you will achieve your goals!"

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