Jim Barnes
"Listen twice
as much as
you talk."
How is Boeing cHanging tHe
game witHin tHe industry?
"Given the global economic environ-
ment, our focus is on providing the
right capability at the right time and
with a predictable, affordable lifecycle
cost. Super Hornet is an example of
that. At a time when Minister of De-
fence Sajjan has expressed concerns
about an imminent capability gap,
Boeing stands ready to provide com-
bat-proven F/A-18 aircraft that not only
replace aging CF-18s but upgrade the
entire fleet through capabilities includ-
ing buddy tanking, communications,
and more – all with minimal changes to
the Royal Canadian Air Force's current
support and sustainment framework."
DiReCtoR – CAnADA GloBAl MARketinG
& Deputy MAnAGinG DiReCtoR
For the interview, see page 40
wHat is tHe Best advice
you ever received?