Vanguard Magazine


Preserving capacity, General Tom Lawson, Chief of the Defence Staff, Keys to Canadian SAR

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Operation CARIBBE seizes over 1300 kilos of cocaine in less than two weeks Alion confirms submission of its bid for CSC 10 DECEMBER 2017/JANUARY 2018 Alion Science and Technology, along with its subsidiary Alion Canada, recently confirmed the submission of their proposal for the Canadian Surface Combatant program. Their solution, according to Bruce Samuelsen, Chief Operating Officer for Alion, is one that "delivers an effective, affordable, production-ready 21st-century naval capability to meet Canada's defence needs." Samuelsen said that Alion's offering is focused on affordability, risk reduction and Canadian content, grounded in nearly 50 years of experi- ence designing and producing combatants. "We feel confident this ship provides a secure and supportive foundation for the objectives of the National Shipbuilding Strategy," he added. Alion's proposal is based on on the De Zeven Provinciƫn-class frigate built by Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding. This ship has more than 10 years of operational excellence. The combat system solution is based on the world-class capabilities of ATLAS-Elektronik and Hensoldt Sensors, according to a release. Other key suppliers include L3 Technologies Canada, Raytheon Canada Limited, DRS Technologies Canada Limited (DRS TCL) and Rheinmetall Canada Inc. sit rep Over the past few weeks, the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels deployed on Operation CARIBBE in the Eastern Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, have intercepted and seized large quantities of illicit drugs. On November 11, 2017, working in partnership with the United States Coast Guard (USCG), Her Majesty Canadian Ship (HMCS) Moncton stopped a suspect vessel and seized 834 kilograms of cocaine while ap- prehending three suspected smugglers. The CAF has played an integral part in the seizure of illicit drugs in di- rect support of the United States Interagency Task Force South. Since 2006, about 70 metric tons of cocaine were captured through this part- nership. "Operation CARIBBE's successes are a result of the partnership be- tween allied Forces and our collective dedication to keeping our sea lanes safe from illicit activity, while also preventing illegal drugs from entering North America," said Rear-Admiral Craig Baines, Maritime Com- ponent Commander. Just over a week earlier, in the Eastern Pacific Ocean, HMCS Nanaimo con- ducted a similar seizure, along with USCG law enforcement detachment, of 478 kilograms of cocaine and arrested three suspected smugglers. To further support the success of HMCS Moncton and Nanaimo, a CP- 140 Aurora Long Range Patrol aircraft, will be added to the operation to assist in surveillance. With its 17-hour endurance and 4,000 nautical mile (7,400 km) range, the CP-140 is an essential addition to fighting the war on illicit drugs in the region. "This operation serves as an excellent example of how the Canadian Armed Forces continues to do its part on the international stage to pro- tect our interests and support our allies," said Lieutenant-General Ste- ven Bowes, Commander Canadian Joint Operations Command. "Each decision we made for equipment selection and systems inte- gration focused on delivering cost-effective solutions that meet the re- quirements while delivering robust Canadian content," said Samuelsen. "Many original system suppliers are building systems in Canada, but our combat system partners are actually creating manufacturing jobs for Canadians." The release highlighted that by selecting a ship with proven operation- al and combat experience, Alion's solution also eliminates the risk as- sociated with the typical lead-ship transition from design to production. "Our bid focused on reducing development and design activities, which delivers a lower overall cost," said Samuelsen. "This is also signifi- cant from the standpoint of accelerating production."

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