Preserving capacity, General Tom Lawson, Chief of the Defence Staff, Keys to Canadian SAR
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6 DECEMBER 2017/JANUARY 2018 editor's note Over the past few months, I have been collaborating with a few prominent figures from the military and industry in defining our theme and agenda for C4ISR and Be- yond 2018. I'm excited to announce that we have a sterling lineup in place for this upcoming event that will delve into the theme of Beyond Sensors. Over the past few years, Vanguard has been instrumental in providing both gov- ernment and industry with a medium to engage on the concept of C4ISR. As our readers will know, C4ISR is a big area that is made up of many different components that give commanders and decision-mak- ers the information needed to make in- formed decisions. At our January 30th event that will be held in Ottawa, our focus will be on data as an enabler in C4ISR system in the digital age. AI and other technologies will be dis- cussed as they relate to the advancement of C4ISR systems. If you are planning to attend, you will have the opportunity to hear from Rear-Admiral Darren Hawco, MSM, CD, Chief of Force Development; Rear-Admiral Scott Bishop, CMM, CD, Commander Canadian Forces Intelligence Command and Chief of Defence Intelli- gence; and many other experts within this field. For an overview and what to expect at C4ISR and Beyond, please be sure to read pages 40-41. The December/January issue is one that is built on current trends within the de- fence and security industry and insights that can be used to leverage the growth in these areas. Jeffrey D. Rodney, Direc- tor, Consulting & Deals – Government Defence at PwC, in his piece "Closing the SEAMS" writes that to keep nations se- cure, governments around the world must transform themselves to create more agile and effective approaches to security. Other pieces on security include "Cy- ber defence in depth: High walls alone won't defend the castle" by Mike Stone, KPMG's Global Head of Technology Transformation for Infrastructure, Gov- ernment and Healthcare; "Cyber threats to Canada's democratic processes" by Eric Jacksch, who talks about the Communi- cations Security Establishment (CSE) re- port that was released a few months ago warning that cyber capabilities will likely be used in an attempt to influence the Ca- nadian democratic process. Space mining is an area that is gaining traction. Kyle Van Hooren, an Analyst at Avascent, explains in his article "Perfect Partners: Time for Canada to team up its mining and space industries" that while there is profound expertise housed in Can- ada in both mining and space, a Canadian space-mining effort is noticeably absent. As governments around the world em- bark on their respective digital transforma- tion journey, Marcello Sukhdeo, Managing Editor of Vanguard, writes about how this digital change is not a one-time change but must be an ongoing transformation for or- ganizations to survive. He talks about the digital transformation roadmap that Micro- soft is using to help many governments in their transformation. We are excited to announce Vanguard's Game Changers for this issue: Jean Filion CEO, Uncharted Research and Develop- ment Inc.; George A. (Sandy) Thomson, Innovator, Thomson-Gordon Group Inc.; and Tim Van Holst, President, HCL Lo- gistics Inc. Filion is leading an environ- mentally conscious micro-corporation that specializes in disruptive technolo- gies applicable for defence. Thomson is changing the game with mechanical shaft seal designs for water-lubricated propeller shafts and developing a completely grease- free landing gear and flap-guide system for aviation. At the same time Van Holst is leading the charge in automating com- munications and processes. I hope you enjoy reading this issue and we look forward to bring you more rel- evant content in 2018! Terri Pavelic, Editor-in-Chief EDITORIAL EDITOR-In-ChIEf | Terri Pavelic PUBLIShER AnD EXECUTIVE EDITOR | John Jones MAnAGInG EDITOR | Marcello sukhdeo TEChnOLOGy EDITOR | nicole verkindT wRITER | Michelle currie COnTRIBUTORS eric Jacksch lGen (reT'd) GeorGe Macdonald Jeffrey d. rodney Mike sTone kyle van hooren EDITORIAL ADVISORy BOARD vadM (reT'd) GreG Maddison lGen (reT'd) Michel Maisonneuve aMbassador GrahaM Green SALES MARKETInG AnD COMMUnICATIOnS MAnAGER | Melisa sukhdeo ART & PRODUCTIOn ART DIRECTOR | elena Pankova SUBSCRIPTIOnS AnD ADDRESS ChAnGES CIRCULATIOn SERVICES | Mary labao (905) 841-7389 Publisher's Mail agreement: 40052410 return undeliverable canadian addresses to circulation dept. 1-226 edward street, aurora, on l4G 3s8 vanguard magazine is published 6 times per year by Promotive communications inc. all opinions expressed herein are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher or any person or organization associated with the magazine. letters, submissions, comments and suggested topics are welcome, and should be sent to rePrinT inforMaTion: reproduction or photocopying is prohibited without the publisher's prior written consent. high quality reprints of articles and additional copies of the magazine are available through Privacy Policy: We do not sell our mailing list or share any confidential information on our subscribers. vanGuard office 1-226 edward street, aurora, on l4G 3s8 Phone: (905) 727-3875 fax: (905) 727-4428 THE FORUM FOR CANADA'S SECURITY AND DEFENCE COMMUNITY