Vanguard Magazine

Vanguard FebMar2018_digital edition

Preserving capacity, General Tom Lawson, Chief of the Defence Staff, Keys to Canadian SAR

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I N N O V A T O R S & T R A I L B L A Z E R S CEO & CO-FOundEr QRA CoRp Jordan KyriaKidis For the interview, see page 42 How is your organization cHanging tHe game witHin your industry sector? We're changing the game by providing tools that engineers just don't have at their disposal today. There've been very rigorous engineering processes and tools developed for the middle and late stages of a big project. However, relatively less is done for the early stage. And with the complexity that's pres- A very valuable piece of advice I've received is to really understand the problem you're ac- tually solving – includ- ing the value that you need to deliver to your customers. And then build everything else around that. ent in today's systems, having an incredibly strong early-stage foundation is absolutely critical. So de- sign verification is going to become, in the future, a whole new industry. Design verification engineers are going to be as prevalent and as important as test engineers are today, and we're providing the tools to enable that to happen. So that when engineers get to the actual late-stage testing, all they're finding are errors from manufacturing or implementation. There should be no design errors in later stages. wHat is tHe best advice you received?

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