Preserving capacity, General Tom Lawson, Chief of the Defence Staff, Keys to Canadian SAR
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6 APRIL/MAY 2018 editor's note I just returned from the 2018 Canadian Armed Forces Outlooks hosted by the Ca- nadian Association of Defence and Security Industries (CADSI), held recently in Ot- tawa. This is CADSI's second largest event after CANSEC. The buzz and excitement at this conference were indeed uplifting to see as the government unfolds its defence policy – Strong, Secure, Engaged. The ses- sions were interactive, and hearing updates about current and future requirements for the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) will go a long way in moulding the content strat- egy for Vanguard over the next year or so. In this issue of Vanguard, we are excited to share stories on Army, Air Force and Navy, along with policy, cybersecurity, and deterrence. In his piece on the CF-18 replacement options, Chris Black, a former Air Cadet with 618 Queen City based at HMCS York, provides a well-researched article comparing cost, capabilities and specifi- cations of the options currently available to Canada for this upcoming program. He writes that Canada needs to select the best fighter aircraft available to defend it- self from potential enemies. By doing so, we are sending a strong signal to hostile nations that Canada should not be taken lightly. We've put together the specifica- tions for each fighter, which were com- piled by Chris, to give you a comparative overview of the different capacities of each jet. Be sure to check this out in our Dash- board on pages 30-31. Pat Poitevin, from the Canadian Centre of Excellence for Anti-Corruption (CCE- AC) at the University of Ottawa, shares an article on Anti-Bribery/Corruption (ABC). Even with the implementation of an ABC compliance program, Pat writes that this does not guarantee business suc- cess in bidding for a contract, but it does provide the foundation to prevent, miti- gate and manage corruption-related risks. Modernized mobile bridge systems is a need for every army. In his piece, Marcello Sukhdeo, managing editor of Vanguard, writes about the capabilities of one compa- ny that could possibly fit the needs of the Canadian Army's Bridge and Gap Cross- ing Modernization program. Read about trends in mobile bridge systems and what the CAF should be looking for in procur- ing such equipment. In her article, "eCrimes and Cyber Foren- sics," Valarie Findlay, a research fellow for the Police Foundation (USA) and expert in cybersecurity and policing initiatives, writes about how cyber forensics is not a hot top- ic, but it should be. She talks about differ- ent concepts that can be employed to aid in the investigation of cybercrimes. In the Last Word, Eric Jacksch, a leading cybersecurity analyst with over 20 years of practical security experience, writes about multi-factor authentication (MFA). De- spite the fact of the widespread availability of MFA applications, Eric points out that the vast majority of Internet-accessible sys- tems continue to use simple username and password schemes, and many users fail to take advantage of MFA even when offered for free. We are excited to announce our Game Changers for this issue: Geneviève Allard, Project Manager at OpDAQ Systems; Eric Fournier, Director General of the IDEaS Team at National Defence; and Ken Peter- man, President of Government Systems at Viasat Inc. Read about these leaders who are spearheading game-changing initia- tives within the defence and security in- dustry. I hope you enjoy reading this issue and look forward to seeing you at CANSEC. Terri Pavelic, Editor-in-Chief EDITORIAL EDITOR-In-ChIEf | Terri Pavelic PUBLIShER AnD EXECUTIVE EDITOR | John Jones MAnAGInG EDITOR | Marcello sukhdeo TEChnOLOGy EDITOR | nicole verkindT COPy EDITOR | JaMes Brandon wRITER | Michelle currie COnTRIBUTORS chris Black valarie FindlaY eric Jacksch PaT PoiTevin EDITORIAL ADVISORy BOARD vadM (reT'd) GreG Maddison lGen (reT'd) Michel Maisonneuve aMBassador GrahaM Green SALES MARKETInG AnD COMMUnICATIOnS MAnAGER | Melisa sukhdeo ART & PRODUCTIOn ART DIRECTOR | elena Pankova SUBSCRIPTIOnS AnD ADDRESS ChAnGES CIRCULATIOn SERVICES | MarY laBao (905) 841-7389 Publisher's Mail agreement: 40052410 return undeliverable canadian addresses to circulation dept. 1-226 edward street, aurora, on l4G 3s8 vanguard magazine is published 6 times per year by Promotive communications inc. all opinions expressed herein are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher or any person or organization associated with the magazine. letters, submissions, comments and suggested topics are welcome, and should be sent to rePrinT inForMaTion: reproduction or photocopying is prohibited without the publisher's prior written consent. high quality reprints of articles and additional copies of the magazine are available through PrivacY PolicY: We do not sell our mailing list or share any confidential information on our subscribers. vanGuard oFFice 1-226 edward street, aurora, on l4G 3s8 Phone: (905) 727-3875 Fax: (905) 727-4428 THE FORUM FOR CANADA'S SECURITY AND DEFENCE COMMUNITY