Preserving capacity, General Tom Lawson, Chief of the Defence Staff, Keys to Canadian SAR
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6 APRIL/MAY 2019 editor's note In June 2017, the Government of Canada released its new defence policy, Strong, Secure, Engaged (SSE), designed to guide defence priorities over the next two de- cades. This new policy is built on provid- ing support to the brave men and women of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and equipping National Defence to meet Can- ada's defence needs locally and interna- tionally. By the mid-point of SSE, Canada will increase spending by more than 70 per cent, investing in new capabilities and modernizing legacy equipment to meet the demands of modern security. As we approach the end of the second year since the release of SSE, we've decided to take a look at Canada's defence policy to gauge the progress made to date, the cur- rent initiatives in place, and what are the next steps that are required to ensure that Canada effectively delivers on this policy. A major part of the investment over the 20-year period is allocated to the Royal Ca- nadian Air Force (RCAF) to acquire a new fleet of fighter aircraft, multi-mission air- craft, air-to-air tanker-transport, remotely piloted systems and space capabilities. To coincide with our theme on providing an update of SSE, we're excited to share an ex- clusive interview with Colonel Jason Ken- ny, Director of Air Requirements for the RCAF. In this piece, Col Kenny talks about the impact of SSE on his job, the progress being made on SSE within the RCAF, proj- ects that are in the pipeline, capabilities for the new advanced fighter aircraft, an update on the Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) project and more. In his two-year review of SSE, Dr. David Perry, a senior analyst and a fellow with the Canadian Global Affairs Institute, evalu- ates the Trudeau government's record of delivering on its defence policy. He notes that even though capital spending is not to the level originally anticipated, the total defence spending is meeting the policy's expectations. From a cyber perspective, Valarie Find- lay, senior-level expert in cybersecurity and policing initiatives, writes in her article that SSE reaffirms Canada's commitment to technology as a vital instrument and investment for military operations, and longstanding alliances and partnerships will ensure the CAF has the necessary tools to achieve their mandate through short and longer term defence goals. She also explains that the policy shows an ex- tensive analysis and adoption of cyber as a broad-based utility and core capability in the efficient, effective and safe operation of our military, as it continues to ensure our national security. Innovation is an important aspect of SSE, and through the launch of Innova- tion for Defence Excellence and Security (IDEaS) program, Canada is working with experts and innovators to facilitate the de- velopment and adoption of new capabili- ties for the CAF. In this issue, we have an article on IDEaS, it's operation, opportu- nities, how the program works, and where it is headed as we completed the first year of this innovative program. In this issue, we are excited to share a veteran's story - Lieutenant-Colonel Brad White, who served over two decades in the CAF and led a squadron of over one hun- dred well-trained army soldiers in Germa- ny. In this article, he shares lessons from his days in the field, the low point of losing others in battle, and his transition back to civilian life. We're excited to announce the Vanguard Game Changers for this issue: Joe Arm- strong, Vice President and General Man- ager, CAE Canada, Defence & Security; Kristina Davis, Director of Marketing and Communications, General Dynamics Mis- sion Systems – Canada; and Anne Healey, Country Director – Canada, BAE Systems. Read more about these executives who are leading teams in their respective companies while contributing in game-changing ways within the defence industry. I hope you enjoy reading this issue. Terri Pavelic, Editor-in-Chief EDITORIAL EDITOR-In-ChIEf | Terri Pavelic PUBLIShER AnD EXECUTIVE EDITOR | J. ricHarD Jones MAnAGInG EDITOR | Marcello sukHDeo TEChnOLOGy EDITOR | nicole verkinDT COPy EDITOR | JaMes BranDon COnTRIBUTORS nuJMa BonD valarie FinDlaY col Pierre leBlanc (reT'D) DaviD PerrY EDITORIAL ADVISORy BOARD vaDM (reT'D) GreG MaDDison lGen (reT'D) MicHel Maisonneuve aMBassaDor GraHaM Green SALES DIRECTOR, COnTEnT & BUSInESS DEVELOPMEnT | DaviD BlonDeau ART & PRODUCTIOn ART DIRECTOR | elena Pankova SUBSCRIPTIOnS AnD ADDRESS ChAnGES CIRCULATIOn SERVICES | (905) 841-7389 Publisher's Mail agreement: 40052410 return undeliverable canadian addresses to circulation dept. 21374, 2nd concession rd, east Gwillimbury, on, l9n 0H7 Vanguard magazine is published 6 times per year by Promotive communications inc. all opinions expressed herein are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher or any person or organization associated with the magazine. letters, submissions, comments and suggested topics are welcome, and should be sent to rePrinT inForMaTion: reproduction or photocopying is prohibited without the publisher's prior written consent. High quality reprints of articles and additional copies of the magazine are available through PrivacY PolicY: We do not sell our mailing list or share any confidential information on our subscribers. vanGuarD oFFice 21374, 2nd concession rd, east Gwillimbury, on, l9n 0H7 Phone: (905) 727-3875 Fax: (905) 727-4428 THE FORUM FOR CANADA'S SECURITY AND DEFENCE COMMUNITY