Vanguard Magazine

Vanguard April/May 2020

Preserving capacity, General Tom Lawson, Chief of the Defence Staff, Keys to Canadian SAR

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6 APRIL/MAY 2020 editor's note We are living in an unprecedented time, a time in which a virus has wreaked havoc and caused severe disruption in all facets of life. The coronavirus has put a halt to "normal" life as we know it. Workplaces, schools, events, restaurants, and even de- fence operations have all been curtailed. The economy has taken a severe blow that will negatively impact many in the foresee- able future. Life has changed drastically over the past few weeks – all due to CO- VID-19. COVID-19 has affected us in many similar ways but in some cases differently as well. How can we as industry leverage the lessons from this pandemic to keep the wheels moving? What measures do we put in place to battle those who are trying to take advantage of us digitally? How can we collaborate and work together in this self- isolation era? And how can we build and grow relationships during this time? These are all questions that we will try to answer in this issue of Vanguard magazine. Dr. Robert Huish, Associate Professor in International Development Studies at Dalhousie University, writes about the need for greater cooperation during this time of self-isolation. He talks about how governments and militaries can respond to modern-day global health emergencies to ensure some level of economic and social prosperity while remaining vigilant against security threats. Some have suggested that a whole-of-government approach should be used to incorporate disaster manage- ment protocols from pandemic planning. But what does that look like, and in what ways could there be benefits and chal- lenges with such an approach? Much like a natural disaster, it is crucial in a pandemic for governments to have a clear sense of knowing who will do what, when, and with what resources. Will COVID-19 be the catalyst to drive digital adoption in government and mili- tary? Mike Stone, Global Chair of Defense and National Security & Global Head of Technology for KPMG writes how previ- ous disasters have not made a lasting fun- damental impact on the way people work, interact, shop, travel, and learn. But coro- navirus does and demands that govern- ments, industries, and the militaries break down their institutional and technical bar- riers. Data silos and systems that don't talk to each other means that potentially useful data is inaccessible. The more con- nected an organization, the more efficient and effective it can be post-disaster in its response, resilience, recovery, and new re- ality phases. Is COVID-19 a threat to national secu- rity or a nation's stability? Could it expose opportunities for non-military, coercive tactics in the wake of its devastation? Not really, writes Vanguard Columnist Valarie Findlay. That could only happen if a na- tion was unprepared. When faced with emergencies, how do the military, law enforcement, and other security institutions confront, work, and prevail through crises? LGen Stu Beare (Ret'd), a former Commander of Cana- dian Joint Operations Command and a 36-year military veteran, shares a battle rhythm to be used during these times. It's about setting aside time to take care of cer- tain things in our routine. He gives some pointers on establishing a new personal and work battle rhythm, one suited for these times until a new normal emerges. Lastly, I know we have been inundated with COVID-19 news, but other things are happening within the defence industry. In this issue, we cover training and simula- tion with an emphasis on the Future Air- crew Training (FAcT) Program. We were privileged once again to have the opportu- nity to speak with Col PJW Saunders, Di- rector Air Simulation and Training, Royal Canadian Air Force about the FAcT pro- gram and to get a better understanding of this complex and extensive industry-man- aged program for the future of the RCAF. I hope you enjoy reading this issue. Stay safe! Terri Pavelic, Editor-in-Chief EDITORIAL EDITOR-In-ChIEf | Terri Pavelic PUBLIShER AnD EXECUTIVE EDITOR | J. ricHarD Jones MAnAGInG EDITOR | Marcello sukHDeo COPY EDITOR | JaMes BranDon COnTRIBUTORS lGen sTu Beare (reT'D) valarie FinDlaY roBerT HuisH eva MarTineZ Jean-clauDe sieW Mike sTone EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD vaDM (reT'D) GreG MaDDison lGen (reT'D) MicHel Maisonneuve aMBassaDor GraHaM Green SALES DIRECTOR, COnTEnT & BUSInESS DEVELOPMEnT | DaviD BlonDeau ART & PRODUCTIOn ART DIRECTOR | elena Pankova SUBSCRIPTIOnS AnD ADDRESS ChAnGES CIRCULATIOn SERVICES | Publisher's Mail agreement: 40052410 return undeliverable canadian addresses to circulation dept. 21374, 2nd concession rd, east Gwillimbury, on, l9n 0H7 Vanguard magazine is published 6 times per year by Promotive communications inc. all opinions expressed herein are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher or any person or organization associated with the magazine. letters, submissions, comments and suggested topics are welcome, and should be sent to rePrinT inForMaTion: reproduction or photocopying is prohibited without the publisher's prior written consent. High quality reprints of articles and additional copies of the magazine are available through PrivacY PolicY: We do not sell our mailing list or share any confidential information on our subscribers. vanGuarD oFFice 21374, 2nd concession rd, east Gwillimbury, on, l9n 0H7 Phone: (905) 727-3875 Fax: (905) 727-4428 THE FORUM FOR CANADA'S SECURITY AND DEFENCE COMMUNITY

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