Vanguard Magazine

Vanguard April/May 2024

Preserving capacity, General Tom Lawson, Chief of the Defence Staff, Keys to Canadian SAR

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I N N O V A T O R S & T R A I L B L A Z E R S W H AT I S T H E O N E T H I N G T H AT H A S YO U M O S T F I R E D U P TO DAY? I'm very excited about General Dynamics Land Systems- Canada's plans to digitize our manufacturing operations. Digital projects in Manufacturing have the ability to empower decision making, collaboration, and enhance customer service while leading us toward operational excellence. H OW I S YO U R O RG A N I ZAT I O N C H A N G I N G T H E G A M E W I T H I N YO U R I N D U S T RY S E CTO R? We have designed, built, and supported LAVs for the Canadian government for the past 47 years. These complex platforms have met the Canadian Armed Forces' (CAF) domestic and deployed operational needs, ensuring that our soldiers have the systems and capability to face any challenge. W H AT A R E S O M E O F T H E B I G G E S T I M P E D I M E N T S TO I N N OVAT I O N I N YO U R I N D U S T RY S E CTO R? Research and Development (R&D) investment is key to innovation in our industry. Continued support and investment by the Government will further strengthen Canada's industrial base, support its domestic needs, and encourage export opportunities to Canada's security partners and allies. DIRECTOR, MANUFACTURING - CANADA OPERATIONS GENERAL DYNAMICS LAND SYSTEMS–CANADA HEATHER DAMAREN Recently, I received advice from a mentor that has stayed with me and helped keep me on track. His advice - the best thing I can do to avoid those distractions is to stay focused on my objectives - stay focused on the work in front of me and on the flawless execution of that work. WHAT IS THE BEST ADVICE YOU RECEIVED? For the interview, see page 40

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